Non Destructive Evaluation (NDE)
Non Destructive Evaluation Testing in India

Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) is a group of testing methods used to assess the integrity and quality of materials and structures without causing damage. Various standards like ASME Sec V, AWS D1.1, IS Standards, and ASTM govern NDE techniques. These methods include:
- Ultrasonic Testing (UT)
- Radiography Testing (RT)
- Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT)
- Liquid Penetrant Testing (LPT)
- Eddy Current Testing (ECT)
- Helium Leak Testing (HLT)
- Visual Testing (VT) / Remote Visual Inspection
- Positive Material Identification (PMI)
- Fugitive Emission Testing
- Magnetic Flux Leakage
- Acoustic Emission
- Vibration Analysis
- Neutron Radiography
Inspection & Testing Engineers (ITE) is the leading organization in Greater Noida and Delhi NCR for NDE services. With a team of certified professionals, ITE offers a comprehensive range of NDE methods. Their advanced equipment and adherence to international standards ensure accurate and reliable inspections. ITE’s expertise and accreditation make them the preferred choice for NDE services, ensuring utmost client satisfaction in the region.